Friday, January 26, 2018

Airbnb Adds Another Man to Its All-Male Board

Outgoing American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault is certainly keeping busy.

After being named to Facebook’s board last week, Chenault has now been added to Airbnb’s board of directors as well.

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Chenault is the company’s first independent board member, as well as its first African-American. However, critics have pointed out that Airbnb’s board remains all male. The short-term rental site has pledged that its next board hire will be female, saying that it is already in “serious discussions with a number of incredible people.” The company reportedly plans to include a woman before the end of the year.

Both minorities and women have historically been excluded from boards of tech companies—a prestigious and high-paying role. According to TheBoardlist, 68% of unicorn tech companies (those with billion dollar-plus valuations), have no women on their boards.

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Airbnb’s board currently consists of its three founders Brian Chesky, Nathan Blecharczyk, and Joe Gebbia, as well as venture capitalists Jeff Jordan and Alfred Lin. While there have been rumors that Condoleezza Rice, Valerie Jarrett, and Meg Whitman could be named to the board next, Recode reports that sources say these are not the names under consideration.

Airbnb is currently preparing for an IPO. It is valued at $30 billion, making it the second-most-valuable startup in the U.S. after Uber, according to data from CBInsights.

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